Since 1982, Michel Bolduc, Hydro-Techniques MPB. Inc. president is interested in dealing with environmental problems, including air and water treatments.
Rapidly, he's facing a water treatment problem which contains hydrocarbons. After an exhaustive research of all the applicable laws and governmental norms, he starts to manufacture an advanced technology that separates oil from water. It is a high performance technology which requires low maintenance apparatus.
Treatment of hardness using electromagnetism
Treatment of iron and manganese
Metallic copper and silver ionization
Ultraviolet ozone generation

Municipalités : Système de traitement de l'eau potable Aqueducs
Hôpitaux, Hôtels Agro-alimentaire ,Boulangeries, Fromageries, Élevages
Commissions scolaires, Cegep, Universités Aciéries, Alumineries,
Industries Minières, Métallurgiques, Pétrolières, Papetières, Centrales, Hydroélectriques,
Tours d'eau, Cimenteries, Centrales Thermiques Bassin d'eau refroidi.Piscine, Spa

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